Ain’t Got No More Lip

Find out about the status of conch in The Bahamas and get some ideas about to make sure its still around for the next generation. We want to hear what you think, make sure to comment!

This video was produced by Community Conch in support of the National Conchservation Campaign led by the Bahamas National Trust.

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Lobsters Today, Lobsters Tomorrow

It’s been awhile, but Conch Salad TV is back with a look at sustainable crawfishing and the efforts of Friends of the Environment‘s Size Matters campaign to make sure there are crawfish, also know as spiny lobster, around for our children and grandchildren to enjoy. It started in Abaco but is now spreading across The Bahamas.

Make sure you don’t miss the next video: scroll down and subscribe by email, “like” Conch Salad TV on Facebook, or join us on Twitter!

Lighthouses of The Bahamas

Lighthouses of the Bahamas are an iconic symbol of the country’s history. The Bahamas has the only remaining hand cranked light houses in the world.  See them lit by the keepers, learn their stories and let us know if you think they should be saved.

This video features interviews with Dave Gale of the Bahamas Lighthouse Preservation Society, as well as Hope Town Lighthouse Keepers Franklyn Sweeting and Jeffery Forbes Jr. and former lighthouse keeper Caiaphas.

Make sure you don’t miss the next video: scroll down and subscribe by email, “like” Conch Salad TV on Facebook, or join us on Twitter!

Marching for Justice

In the summer of 2010 a camera followed several pro-hanging marches and interviewed some of the marchers about why they were marching and what thy hoped to accomplish.  The resulting video is intended to start a conversation about what can be done about rising crime rates.

This video is sponsored by Bahamas Remembers a new website dedicated to Bahamians who have been taken too soon by violence. It has been designed to allow families to post pictures, share memories and make sure their loved-ones are not forgotten.

Make sure you don’t miss the next video: subscribe to the website on the sidebar, “like” Conch Salad TV on Facebook, or join us on Twitter!